Paranormal Underground Radio
Dive deep into the mysteries of the unknown with Paranormal Underground Radio, your gateway to the unexplained. Join us as we explore a fascinating array of paranormal, metaphysical, and spiritual topics alongside our sister podcasts, Mindful Mystics and Intention Is Everything. From theories on afterlife communications and encounters with cryptids to UFO sightings and psychic phenomena, we delve into the intriguing and the mysterious. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, our discussions will enlighten and inspire your curiosity about the otherworldly. Tune in and journey with us through the extraordinary realms that lie beyond our everyday reality.

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Episode Date: 2.27.2025
Guest: Josh Morris
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with returning guest Maxim Furek, paranormal author and longtime contributor to Paranormal Underground magazine. Maxim has taken us on some wild journeys before, from the mysteries of the Philadelphia Experiment to eerie tales from his books Coal Region Hoodoo and Sheppton: The Myth, Miracle & Music. Now, he’s back to discuss his latest book, The Lost Tribes of Bigfoot, diving into the legends, lore, and possible hidden truths behind one of the most enduring cryptid mysteries.
Join us as we explore the shadowy world of Bigfoot and uncover the connections that may link this legendary creature to lost civilizations, ancient myths, and modern encounters. Don’t miss this deep dive into the unknown!
Check out:
Maxim’s website:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Intro/outro music:
"Slow Burn" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Monday Feb 24, 2025
Mindful Mystics Podcast: Mystical Meditation Experiences
Monday Feb 24, 2025
Monday Feb 24, 2025
Brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio
Episode Date: 2.24.2025
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of “Mindful Mystics,” we explore the profound world of mystical experiences in meditation. From unexpected moments of enlightenment to deep spiritual journeys, we share personal stories of altered states, energy connections, and meditation beyond the traditional "om." Karen recounts spontaneous mystical moments, including an otherworldly connection through music, while Chuck shares his transformative encounters in a meditative dreamscape guided by an angel. Cheryl reveals a mind-blowing experience where she received energy sent from across the country.
We also discuss the nature of meditation, how it goes far beyond sitting in silence, and why group meditation is so powerful. We talk about the idea of stepping outside the "meat sack" of human existence to connect with the deeper, collective energy that ties us all together.
Check out:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Resources Mentioned
--"The Witch’s Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self-Defense” by Christopher Penczak
--"The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World” by Lynne McTaggart
--Crystals for Meditation: Shungite, Morganite, Phenakite, Colombianite
Show Highlights:
[02:16] The Meaning of Meditation
Karen and Cheryl discuss how meditation is often misunderstood. Cheryl realizes she had been placing meditation in a box, thinking it required sitting still with candles. The group agrees that meditation is a state of presence, which can happen in various activities, including walking, working, or even washing dishes.
[05:41] Karen’s First Satori Moment
Karen recounts an early mystical experience while shelling peas in her kitchen. She describes a sudden moment of enlightenment, where time stood still and she felt an overwhelming sense of perfection.
[07:34] The Flow State & Mystical Experiences in Daily Life
Chuckie G and Karen discuss how athletes, musicians, and even writers enter a meditative flow state. They relate it to moments such as Michael Jordan’s legendary performances, highway hypnosis, and Karen’s experience of writing books in a near-trance state.
[12:04] Karen’s Musical Meditation Experience
Karen shares a profound meditation where she became one with music — an experience similar to listening to music while high, but without any drugs. She describes feeling the music as an energy with form, motion, and three-dimensional presence.
[16:44] Chuckie G’s Journey to the “Town of Heaven”
Chuckie G details a six-month-long meditative experience where he repeatedly visited a mystical place with a bridge, a cabin, and glowing jars of light. He later discovered his guide, Melissa, was actually the angel Ariel. Each time he opened a jar, he felt an inner transformation, learning more about himself and his abilities.
[29:18] Cheryl’s Unexpected Energy Connection with Chad
Cheryl shares a mind-blowing experience where she physically felt an overwhelming loving energy while sitting at her computer. She later learned that Chad had performed a meditation exercise from “The Witch’s Shield” book to send her positive energy.
[35:19] Sending Energy & Reiki Healing
The group discusses the power of sending energy to others. Karen shares that she sends Reiki to people every night at 8 PM and encourages listeners to intend to receive it if they need healing. Cheryl describes how she visualizes sending energy to loved ones.
[38:41] The Power of Group Meditation
Karen introduces “The Power of Eight,” a meditation method by Lynne McTaggart, where a small group focuses collective energy on healing intentions. She shares a powerful experience of performing this meditation with 12 people for a friend battling cancer.
[43:58] Guided Heart Meditation & Group Energy
Karen describes leading a heart-centered meditation with over 100 people at a Reiki conference, where she felt a wave of love and energy wash over the entire room. Chuckie G recalls similar experiences at yoga studios where collective energy became tangible.
[46:28] The Trap of Expectations in Meditation
Cheryl admits she often experiences mystical moments when she isn’t expecting them. Chuckie G and Karen emphasize that trying too hard can block experiences, and the key is to remain open and relaxed.
[50:07] “You’ll Always Feel Like You’re Making It Up”
Karen shares advice she learned at a Reiki conference — when having spiritual or meditative experiences, it will often feel like you’re making it up. This is normal and doesn’t mean the experience isn’t real.
[54:18] Why Do We Age If There’s No Time?
Cheryl asks a philosophical question: If time isn’t real, why do we age? Karen explains that we exist in a reality governed by physical laws, which we collectively created to experience life through relativity.
[59:34] The Problem of Separation & Human Connection
The hosts discuss how the world’s problems stem from seeing differences instead of connection. Cheryl reflects on how shifting our focus toward connectivity could transform society.
[01:07:21] Crystals & Meditation
Karen and Chuckie G recommend different crystals for meditation, including shungite, phenakite, and morganite. Karen describes how she meditates with Colombianite, a tektite that shifts her into a mystical state.
[01:09:38] The “Meat Sack” Theory of Human Existence
Karen humorously describes the body as a “meat sack” that our consciousness zips into. Chuckie G jokes about making a "Meat Sack Podcast" dedicated to spiritual discussions.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Paranormal Underground Radio: Josh Morris, Paranormal Investigator
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Episode Date: 12.31.2024
Guest: Josh Morris
Hosts: Cheryl Knight-Wilson and Chuckie G
Show Summary:
In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with Josh Morris, a seasoned paranormal investigator with over 25 years of experience. From co-founding the investigative team “Bumps in the Night” in the early 2000s to collaborating with Ghost Hunters in the Florida Panhandle, Josh has dedicated his life to uncovering the mysteries of the supernatural.
Now the host of The TEPS Podcast on YouTube and the author of My Paranormal: A Guide to the Spirit Realms, Josh shares insights from his extensive experience. He discusses his work producing paranormal shows such as ParaXplorerZ and TEPS Investigates on the Paraflixx network and the ongoing investigations he leads with his team, TEPS, helping those experiencing paranormal phenomena.
Tune in for a fascinating discussion about ghost hunting, the spirit realms, and the evolution of paranormal investigation!
Check out:
Josh’s book:
Josh’s podcast:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Intro/outro music:
"Slow Burn" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Sunday Dec 22, 2024
Mindful Mystics Podcast: Tools for Raising Your Vibration
Sunday Dec 22, 2024
Sunday Dec 22, 2024
Brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio
Episode Date: 12.22.2024
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of “Mindful Mystics,” we dive into practical tools for raising your vibration and building resilience during challenging times. From the science of entrainment to grounding routines, we explore how small, intentional actions can uplift your energy and create positive ripples in your life. Join us for thoughtful insights, guided exercises such as heart coherence, and actionable practices, including gratitude, self-talk, and mindfulness to help you maintain a higher vibration throughout the holiday season and beyond.
Check out:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Show Highlights:
[03:28] The Science of EntrainmentKaren explains entrainment, a principle of vibration based on physics, using examples such as pendulum clocks and energy healing techniques.
[07:10] The Impact of Low and High VibrationsKaren discusses how emotions such as fear and anger lower vibrations, while higher vibrations can uplift and impact others positively.
[09:48] Practical Experiment: Avoiding Doom ScrollingCheryl shares her plan to stop doom scrolling in the morning and replace it with vibration-raising practices, starting with a one-week experiment.
[12:36] Chuckie’s Morning RoutineChuckie describes his routine of gratitude, breathwork, and connecting with spirit guides to start his day on a high note.
[18:58] Karen’s Daily PracticesKaren shares her structured morning routine, including heart coherence exercises, grounding, and visualization techniques to raise her vibration.
[24:50] Heart Coherence ExerciseKaren leads a guided heart coherence exercise, teaching listeners how to spread joy and love throughout their body, surroundings, and beyond.
[30:09] Anchoring Positive EnergyKaren introduces the concept of anchoring, a technique using a gesture to recall the elevated state achieved during the heart coherence exercise.
[36:01] The Power of Gratitude and Self-TalkCheryl reflects on the importance of practicing gratitude and improving positive self-talk to enhance emotional resilience and vibration.
[39:09] The Transformative Impact of SmilingChuckie highlights the immediate benefits of smiling during meditation or challenging situations, supported by Cheryl’s aerobics anecdote.
[41:16] Vent and ReleaseChuckie shares his strategy of venting to release negativity, emphasizing its effectiveness in maintaining a balanced emotional state.
[48:25] The Value of Meaningful ConnectionsKaren discusses how meaningful connections, even brief ones, can significantly raise vibrations and create positive ripples for both parties.
[54:59] Commitment to ChangeCheryl commits to implementing the tools discussed, including using her anchored gesture to interrupt negative thoughts and raise her vibration.
[56:43] Book RecommendationChuckie suggests 111 Ways to Raise Your Vibration for listeners seeking additional strategies.
[57:20] Closing ThoughtsThe hosts wish listeners a stress-free holiday season and encourage practicing the tools shared to maintain a high vibration during the festivities.

Saturday Nov 30, 2024
Mindful Mystics Podcast: Moving From Me to We: The Next Stage of Humanity
Saturday Nov 30, 2024
Saturday Nov 30, 2024
Brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio
Episode Date: 11.30.2024
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of “Mindful Mystics,” we explore the shift from individualism to collectivism, delving into the energetic transition from “me” to “we.” We discuss challenges, societal resistance, and practical ways to foster connection, empathy, and higher vibrations in daily life. Tune in for thoughtful insights, personal stories, and actionable practices to support this transformational journey.
Check out:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Timestamped Show Highlights:
[04:10] The Energy Shift: Me to WeKaren explains the shift from “third wave” energy (individualism) to “fourth wave” energy (collectivism), rooted in moving from solar plexus chakra to heart chakra energy. Cheryl offers her perspective on transitioning from individualism to community-focused living.
[09:31] Is Society Resisting the Shift?Cheryl questions whether societal ego and conditioning block the transition. Karen and Chuckie G discuss humanity’s evolution through energetic waves and how resistance stems from entrenched individualistic paradigms.
[17:17] When Will the Shift Happen?Karen explains the transition depends on achieving a critical mass of individuals embracing fourth-wave energy. Cheryl emphasizes the challenges and the importance of fostering positivity.
[27:38] Practices to Support the ShiftWe share practical steps to raise energy vibrations.
[35:34] Overcoming Loneliness and Finding CommunityKaren and Chuckie G suggest ways for those feeling isolated to connect with community: joining online groups, finding uplifting content, or exploring creative hobbies. Cheryl reflects on her own challenges and plans for new projects to reignite her energy.
[46:12] Empathy as a BridgeCheryl emphasizes the need for more empathy in the world. Karen and Chuckie G share strategies for developing compassion, even when others hold opposing perspectives.
Key takeaway: The path from “me to we” involves personal practices, empathy, and fostering connections that align with the collective good while acknowledging individual and societal challenges.

Friday Nov 29, 2024
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Episode Date: 11.29.2024
Guest: Father Shawn Whittington
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with Father Shawn Whittington, who we featured in Paranormal Underground magazine’s September 2024 issue. Father Shawn is a seasoned paranormal investigator, exorcist, and co-founder of Ghost-B-Gone. He was also featured on the TV show Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists on Travel Channel and Discovery+.
During his time as an investigator, Father Shawn has confronted some of the most intense cases of paranormal and demonic activity. In this episode, Shawn will share insights into his work with Ghost-B-Gone, his courses on spiritual warfare, and some of the extraordinary cases that have defined his mission.
Check out:
Father Shawn Whittington’s sites: and
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Intro/outro music:
"Slow Burn" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Mindful Mystics Podcast: Scary Stories for Halloween – Two Truths and a Lie
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Wednesday Oct 30, 2024
Brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio
Episode Date: 10.30.2024
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of Mindful Mystics, we're celebrating Halloween with a spooky version of two truths and a lie. Guess along with us as we try to determine which one of everybody's stories is the lie and which are the absolute truth.
Join us and see if you can discover fact from fiction. We reveal our own ghostly experiences and eerie encounters, with some shenanigans thrown in! From haunted dolls that return on their own, phone calls from the dead, to shadowy figures lurking in childhood memories. Can you guess which tales are true and which are fabrications?
Check out:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Timestamped Show Highlights:
[02:30] Halloween Traditions
Karen, Chuckie G, and Cheryl discuss their Halloween rituals, from binge-watching scary movies to Chuckie’s tradition of finding haunted locations to investigate.
[11:15] Game Introduction: Two Truths and a Lie - Spooky Stories Edition
Karen introduces the Halloween game with spooky twists, challenging each host to fool the others with their stories.
[13:30] Chuckie’s First Story — Haunted Refrigerator
Chuckie recounts an investigation at an abandoned house where he and his partner hear mysterious knocks from an old refrigerator, ending with an eerie giggle. Cheryl and Karen attempt to guess if it’s real or fabricated.
[21:00] Cheryl’s Childhood Story — No Way Out
Cheryl shares a story of encountering shadowy figures blocking all exits in her relatives’ home, creating an inescapable, eerie sensation.
[28:50] Cheryl's Mysterious Encounter — The Owl Man
Cheryl recounts waking up to a figure with an owl's head in her room, a haunting experience that remains unexplained to this day.
[36:30] Karen’s Investigation Story — The Haunted House With Cats
Karen shares a chilling account of investigating a home where she and her team encountered strange smells, ghostly voices, and an influx of cats surrounding the house.
[45:00] Cheryl’s Internet-Inspired Story — The Whispering Doll
Cheryl narrates a story of an antique doll that haunted a family, eventually returning to the family’s home even after they tried to discard it.
[56:15] Chuckie’s Paranormal Phone Call
Chuckie shares a personal story about receiving a late-night call from his friend Al’s phone — after Al had passed away.
[1:04:30] Karen’s Haunted Road Trip
Karen recalls driving past the Montana State Prison and experiencing unexplainable interference on her phone that seemed to signal the presence of a lingering spirit.
[1:10:45] Winner, Winner!
Find out who is deemed the “Master of Deception” following our game of Two Truths and a Lie - Spooky Stories Edition!

Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Episode Date: 10.27.2024
Guest: Brian Allan
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
Welcome back to Paranormal Underground Radio! In our first Paranormal Underground Radio episode since 2017, we talk with Brian Allan, who takes us deep into the realms of the unknown, sharing chilling encounters and groundbreaking insights gathered from more than 40 years in the paranormal field. As a seasoned investigator, Brian has explored everything from eerie hauntings to close encounters with extraterrestrial phenomena. With firsthand accounts and a rare depth of experience, he unravels mysteries that have puzzled even the most skeptical minds. Listeners are in for a journey that bridges the seen and the unseen, as Brian draws from his extensive research and fieldwork to shed light on the hidden forces that shape our world.
Beyond his investigative work, Brian is a prolific author whose books discuss topics such as the connections between alien life and human consciousness, as well as the haunted history of Scotland. His titles, including “Strange Skies, Strange Eyes” and “I Cast Thee Out: Poltergeists, Possession and Exorcism,” are go-to resources for those fascinated by the unexplained. Formerly the editor-in-chief of “Phenomena Magazine,” Brian has received accolades such as the Tartan Skull award, honoring his lifelong dedication to ufology in Scotland.
Check out:
Brian Allan’s sites: and
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Intro/outro music:
"Slow Burn" by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Saturday Sep 21, 2024
Mindful Mystics Podcast: Meaningful Mystical Experiences
Saturday Sep 21, 2024
Saturday Sep 21, 2024
Brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio
Episode Date: 9.21.2024
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of Mindful Mystics, we talk about our most Meaningful Mystical Experiences … and why they were so impactful. We share transformative moments from our lives and discuss insights into faith, trust in the Universe, and finding purpose through life’s challenges.
Check out:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Timestamped Show Highlights:
[03:04] Karen’s Experience of Faith and Awakening
Karen shares a transformative moment when struggling with faith, leading to an epiphany during a peaceful walk.
Key takeaway: “Comparison is the thief of joy” — a reminder to stop comparing and start embracing your personal journey.
[08:44] Chuckie G’s Life-Altering Spiritual Encounter
Chuckie G describes a deeply emotional experience during a dark period of his life when he considered ending it all. A bright, inexplicable light appeared, followed by a voice that reassured him of his purpose.
Key takeaway: Trust the divine process. There’s a reason behind every challenge, and reaching out for help can be life-saving.
[19:23] Cheryl’s Spiritual Moment of Intuition
Cheryl recounts a powerful experience when an inner voice told her to wait at a green light, preventing a certain accident. This encounter taught her about the importance of slowing down and releasing the need for control.
Key takeaway: Sometimes the Universe sends subtle messages to guide us when we least expect it.
[22:37] Connecting with the Universe
The hosts explore the idea that we are all connected to a higher source and that the Universe exists within us. This concept highlights the power of trusting the flow of life and staying present in each moment.
Key takeaway: "I am the Universe, and the Universe is in me."
[26:20] Overcoming Ego and Trusting the Flow
The conversation wraps up with a discussion about overcoming ego and trusting the flow of life. Keeping it simple and trusting in the process is key to finding peace and clarity.

Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Mindful Mystics Podcast: The Secrets of Shadow Work
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio
Episode Date: 8.25.2024
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of Mindful Mystics, we talk about the transformative practice of shadow work and explore how uncovering and integrating the hidden aspects of ourselves can lead to greater self-awareness, healing, and personal growth.
The discussion highlights practical techniques for recognizing and working through our shadows, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion and the role of support in this deeply personal journey.
Check out:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Timestamped Show Highlights:
[00:34] Introduction to Shadow Work: Cheryl introduces the episode, explaining that shadow work involves exploring the unconscious parts of our psyche that we often repress or deny, which can lead to greater self-awareness and personal growth.
[06:58] Defining Shadow Work: Karen discusses how shadow work helps reintegrate the parts of ourselves that we think are unacceptable or unlovable and how these often manifest in our dreams or through discomfort in our bodies.
[17:16] Recognizing Shadows: The hosts discuss the importance of awareness in recognizing shadow elements in ourselves, such as dark dreams, feelings of discomfort, or slipping into unhealthy coping mechanisms.
[27:47] Techniques for Shadow Work: Karen shares her methods for shadow work, including meditation, journaling, mindfulness, and using heart coherence techniques. Chuck adds his approach of inner dialogue through writing and the importance of setting boundaries.
[39:49] Patterns as Opportunities: Karen reflects on how repeated patterns in life are opportunities for growth, particularly when it comes to setting boundaries and listening to our inner voice.
[46:04] Final Thoughts on Shadow Work: The hosts conclude by emphasizing the importance of self-compassion, trusting the process, and acknowledging that shadow work is an ongoing practice that helps us grow spiritually.

Saturday Jul 20, 2024
Saturday Jul 20, 2024
Brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio
Episode Date: 7.20.2024
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Show Summary:
In this episode of Mindful Mystics, we talk about techniques for grounding rituals and why it's so important. We delve into personal stories and practical tips for staying grounded in a hectic world. We also explore daily rituals, the benefits of nature, and the power of crystals in promoting mental clarity and emotional stability.
Check out:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Timestamped Show Highlights:
[06:46] Importance of Grounding and Centering Rituals*
-The significance of grounding and living in the present.
-The physical and mental benefits of grounding.
-The importance of grounding for presence and happiness.
[10:05] Personal Grounding Experiences
-Karen shares her journey of learning to live in her body and the benefits she’s experienced.
-The importance of being present and reducing expectations to decrease stress.
[15:23] Spiritual Surrender
-Karen talks about surrendering control to the universe and the transformative effects it had on her life.
-How grounding and centering practices help break negative thought patterns and promote positivity.
[19:55] Meditation as a Tool
-Meditation as a method to recharge and stay grounded.
-Dealing with seasonal affective disorder and using light therapy to stay grounded.
-The importance of making grounding practices a habit and not being too hard on oneself when they slip.
[22:49] Daily Grounding Rituals
-Cheryl’s preferred grounding practices, including listening to music, aromatherapy, and digital detox.
-Karen and Chuck discuss their grounding routines, including visualization and breathing exercises Plus, meditating and connecting with nature.
-The grounding benefits of spending time in nature.
[31:01] Grounding With Crystals
-How to use crystals effectively in grounding rituals.
-Types of grounding crystals.
-Using crystals during meditation and creating crystal elixirs.
-A crystal grid overview from Karen.
-Using crystals in various ways, including in baths and under pillows, for grounding and restful sleep.
[43:04] Grounding and Meditation Techniques
-Karen shares a quick grounding method using sensory awareness.
-Karen explains her meditation technique using a mantra and visualization for grounding.
[52:03] Anchoring for Grounding
-How to use gestures and objects to anchor grounding energy and interrupt negative thoughts.
[54:29] Grounding With Intention
-The importance of grounding after meditation and how it enhances resilience.
[57:36] Dealing With Life's Challenges
-How grounding and meditation help cope with life's inevitable challenges.
[01:01:03] Spiritual Bypass
-The concept of spiritual bypass and how grounding practices are different.

Wednesday May 29, 2024
Mindful Mystics Podcast: Lynn K. Russell and Near-Death Experiences
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio
Episode Date: 5.28.2024
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Chuckie G, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Guest: Lynn K. Russell
Show Summary:
In this episode of Mindful Mystics, Karen, Cheryl and Chuckie G talk with Lynn K. Russell. Lynn has been a spiritual seeker since childhood. In her mid-teens, she researched the major world religions and spiritual philosophies in search of truth, whatever that might lead her.
After researching 2,500 cases of near-death experiences, Lynn was so delighted by what she learned that she wrote the book, “The Wonder of You, What the Near-Death Experience Tells You About Yourself.” Through this research, Lynn discovered answers to the more profound questions humans have asked since our ancestors lived in caves. Now, she has written another book, called “Beyond NDEs: The Next Step in Near-Death Experience Research.”
We’ve excited to have Lynn back to talk with us, as we dig deep into the spiritual messages coming back from those who have been there.
She is also actively launching her spiritual book for preteens, Worpple!
Check out:
Lynn K. Russell’s Website:
Also, check out:
Paranormal Underground magazine:
Author and psychic medium Karen Frazier:
Paranormal Investigator and psychic medium Chuckie G:
Timestamped Show Highlights:
[04:04] Guest Introduction: All about Lynn K. Russell!
[05:32] Lynn's Children's Book: Discussion about Lynn's new children's book, “Worpple,” and its spiritual lessons for young readers.
[11:03] Research on NDEs: Lynn talks about her motivation for writing “Beyond NDEs” and the additional insights she gained through continued research.
[13:33] Compelling NDE Cases: Lynn shares some of the most compelling near-death experiences documented in her book.
[20:45] Commonalities in NDEs: Exploration of the universal elements in near-death experiences and the profound sense of connectedness they reveal.
[23:13] Personal Spiritual Experiences: Lynn recounts her own early spiritual experiences and how they influenced her research.
[31:49] Decision to Return: Discussion on who or what decides when a person returns from a near-death experience.
[40:32] Hellish NDEs: Examination of the darker near-death experiences and their interpretations.
[44:52] Past Lives and NDEs: Lynn discusses cases where individuals recall past lives during their near-death experiences.
[45:47] The Nature of the Light: Discussion about the origin and nature of the light encountered in NDEs.
The Power of Thought: Lynn emphasizes the importance of thoughts and consciousness in shaping our experiences.
[56:24] Overcoming Fear of Death: Lynn provides comforting insights for those who fear death, encouraging trust in the experiences of NDE survivors.