Paranormal Underground Radio
Dive deep into the mysteries of the unknown with Paranormal Underground Radio, your gateway to the unexplained. Join us as we explore a fascinating array of paranormal, metaphysical, and spiritual topics alongside our sister podcasts, Mindful Mystics and Intention Is Everything. From theories on afterlife communications and encounters with cryptids to UFO sightings and psychic phenomena, we delve into the intriguing and the mysterious. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, our discussions will enlighten and inspire your curiosity about the otherworldly. Tune in and journey with us through the extraordinary realms that lie beyond our everyday reality.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Episode date: 1.15.20
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Guest: Annindita Palaus
Topics: Reiki, Energy Healing, Meditation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Show Notes:
This week we talk with Annindita Palaus. Annindita is a Reiki Master-Teacher, NLP practitioner, and life coach who is passionate about helping her clients break through mental and emotional blocks that hold them back.
Books and Websites:
Annindita's website:
Link to Annindita's book, The Healing Sutras: Mastering the Science of Self Healing:
About the podcast music:
Music from
“Werq” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Episode date: 1.1.20
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Guest: Sally Painter
Topics: Feng Shui, Auras, Psychic Phenomena, UFOs
Show Notes:
This week we talk to Sally Painter. Sally is a writer, feng shui practitioner, psychic seer, and aura expert. In this episode of Intention Is Everything, Sally talks to Karen and Cheryl about her new book, Auras Revealed, shares feng shui tips, and discusses her experience as a psychic seer and UFO experiencer.
Books and Websites:
Sally’s Website:
Read Sally’s articles on LoveToKnow:
Link to Sally’s book, Auras Revealed:
About the podcast music:
Music from:
“Werq” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Episode date: 12.15.19
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Topic: Healing Crystals
Show Notes:
This week, we discuss using crystals to bring intention and healing into your life. Karen has written multiple books about energy healing and crystals, and in this podcast, Karen shares information about her personal experiences with crystals, explains how crystals work, and shares ideas for the intentional use of crystals for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing.
Books and websites mentioned in this episode:
Karen’s Website:
Vision Collective Website:
About the podcast music:
Music from
“Werq” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Episode Date: 12.1.2019
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Guest: Jason Masuoka
Topics: Tarot, Shadow Work
Show Notes:
In this episode, we talk to professional tarot reader Jason Masuoka. Jason shares with us different ways to use tarot cards for personal empowerment. He also uses the tarot for shadow work to help uncover forgotten parts of ourselves.
Jason picked up his first tarot deck at a bookshop over 20 years ago. For him, it was a way to focus his intuition and receive information he needed for his spiritual journey. Jason has been reading professionally for the past 10 years, mostly from his home in Camas, Washington. Jason believes tarot is a perfect way to connect to your higher self, your spirit guides, the universal consciousness, or whatever you choose to call Divine Source.
Jason’s readings focus on using tarot to empower you by giving you the information that you need in order to make positive and transformational changes to your life. It is his belief that the tarot, or any divinatory tool, cannot predict the future. It can only shed light on possible outcomes if you continue the path you are currently taking. This means as soon as you have a reading, you are already affecting your future by adding options for yourself. You are not fated for a particular destiny. You have the power to alter your future. Jason is available for readings by phone or email and teaches classes in Oregon and Washington.
Websites and Social Media
Jason’s Website:
Jason’s Facebook:
Vision Collective Website:
About the podcast music:
Music from
“Werq” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Episode Date: 11.15.2019
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Guest: Tristan David Luciotti
Topics: Paranormal Phenomena, Reiki, Paranormal Documentary
Show Notes:
Tristan David Luciotti is a filmmaker, Reiki Master-Teacher, and certified angel card reader. He is the filmmaker behind the documentary film All Around Us: Inside the Life of Psychic Medium Seth Michael.
Tristan grew up in a very religious family and attended Pentecostal churches as a child. In his adulthood, however, Tristan gained a deeper understanding of metaphysical, paranormal, and psychic phenomena. It led him to his current studies and work in energy healing, metaphysical science, law of attraction, intentional practices, and psychic phenomena.
Recently, the Universe has been sending Tristan some pointed messages that it’s time to slow down and listen to what Divine Guidance is trying to tell him. In this podcast, Tristan shares some of his recent experiences, what he has learned from them, and how that plays into his intentional practices.
Tristan’s Website and Social Media:
Tristan’s Website:
All Around Us Film Website:
Vision Collective Website:
Music from
“Werq” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Episode Date: 11.1.2019
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Guest: Paula Nuspl
Topics: Intentional Spiritual Practices, Intentional Decorating, Creating Sacred Space
Show Notes:
Paula Nuspl graduated from Purdue University and pursued a career in media advertising but didn’t feel she was using her creativity to its full extent. After moving from the Midwest, she decided it was time to explore her lifelong passion of interior decorating. “Using color and creating an environment has such an impact on our sense of self. I find such joy in help others develop a space that brings out what truly is their soul’s reflection of who they are,” Paula says.
She began her independent interior decorating business in 1998 after receiving her advanced training at Heritage School of Interior Design, in Portland, Oregon.
In this episode, Paula shares her thoughts on using design to create sacred and intentional spaces. She offers tips for finding and bringing objects you love into the spaces where you live, work, and play, and she also explains how to maintain positive energy in those spaces.
Paula’s Website and Social Media
Facebook: PaulaNusplInteriors
Instagram: Paula.Nuspl.Interiors
Music from
“Werq” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Episode Date: 10.15.2019
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Guest: Nate Brown
Topics: Intentional Spiritual Practices, Reiki
Show Notes:
This week’s guest is Nate Brown. Until recently, Nate was an inmate in a prison in Tennessee. During his incarceration, he read Karen’s book on Reiki healing and asked his girlfriend to reach out to Karen to see if she would be willing teach him Reiki. Karen agreed, and the two of them began a mail correspondence. Nate was released on parole in July, and he has continued his lifelong work with intentional spiritual practices.
With deep honesty, Nate shares in the podcast how he wound up in prison and what he learned from being there. He also discusses how he’s using his spiritual practices to move forward in his life. His inspirational story offers hope and practical tools for others as they encounter life’s struggles.
Books and websites mentioned in this episode
Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind Magazine:
Mayan Messages: Daily Guide to Self-Empowerment by Theresa Crabtree:
Refuse to Choose! Use All of Your Interests, Passions, and Hobbies to Create the Life and Career of Your Dreams: by Barbara Sher
Reiki Healing for Beginners by Karen Frazier:
Music from
“Werq” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
Note: Intention Is Everything is brought to you by Paranormal Underground Radio, which will also be airing new episodes periodically.

Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with Dr. Michael Lennox, practicing psychologist and dream interpreter. Michael is the author of Llewellyn's Little Book of Dreams, a pocket-sized guide to dreams and interpretation for improved understanding of your journey through life. He is also the author of Dream Sight: A Dictionary & Guide for Interpreting Any Dream and Llewellyn’s Complete Dream Dictionary.
Air Date: September 15, 2017
Topic: Dream Interpretation, Paranormal Theory, Metaphysics
Guest: Dr. Michael Lennox
Host: Karen Frazier
Producers: Cheryl Knight-Wilson and Chad Wilson
Correspondent Segments: Krystle Vermes and Manny Veiga talk about a radio host and accused Ponzi schemer who tried to use a hoodoo spell to stop a federal probe. Plus, they talk about a man haunted by the Dear David ghost child. Also, Maria Anna Van Driel discusses shadow people.
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Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we have a Paranormal Underground Radio family reunion with Rick Hale, Chuck Gotski, Karen Frazier, Teresa West, Chad Wilson, and Cheryl Knight-Wilson. We talk about all things paranormal and have a lightning round at the end of the show.
Air Date: August 10, 2017
Topic: Paranormal Investigation, Paranormal Theory, Paranormal Experiences, Psychic Phenomena, Metaphysics
Guests: Rick Hale, Chuck Gotski, Karen Frazier, and Teresa West
Host: Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Producers: Cheryl Knight-Wilson and Chad Wilson
Correspondent Segments: Maria Anna Van Driel visits CERN to find out if research and experiments are going on at the facility to find other dimensions and create artificial time-tunnels, or wormholes. Plus, Krystle Vermes and Manny Veiga talk about a haunted hotel in Chicago and flying humanoid sightings in the Chicago area.
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Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with Diane Brandon, who is an Integrative Intuitive Counselor & Intuition Teacher — Specializing in Personal Path/Growth & Dream Interpretation. She was born and raised in New Orleans and has been spiritually aware since birth. Diane has had a lifelong interest in metaphysics and has been an avid student of it for more than 45 years. She has been a member of Intelligentsia Metaphysica, Mensa, and Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Diane has an A.B. in French from Duke University; did master's work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Radio, Television, and Motion Pictures; and attended TUTOR, a language institute in Geneva, Switzerland, for French studies. She has facilitated a seminar on Business Intuition at the Rhine Research Center, in addition to speaking on dreams there, and has spoken on Intuition at the Mensa Annual Gathering.
She's the author of the new book out this month titled Born Aware – Stories and Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth. She is also the author of:
Dream Interpretation for Beginners -- Understand the Wisdom of Your Sleeping Mind
Intuition for Beginners -- Easy Ways to Awaken Your Natural Abilities, and
Invisible Blueprints: Intuitive Insights for Fulfillment
Diane has been working professionally with her intuition as an Integrative Intuitive Counselor since 1992, and she has been teaching others how to access intuitive information on demand since 1996. She also teaches classes and seminars on Dreams, Personal Empowerment, Creativity, and Listening Skills, in addition to Wellness Classes. For more information, visit
Air Date: July 27, 2017
Topic: Born Aware, Intuition, Psychic Phenomena, Psychic Development, Paranormal Research, Psychic Abilities
Guest: Diane Brandon
Host: Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Producers: Cheryl Knight-Wilson and Chad Wilson
Correspondent Segment: Krystle Vermes and Manny Veiga (Topics: Ghost story from Thailand & Will NASA announce alien contact?)
Advertisers (Please check out our advertisers and tell them Paranormal Underground sent you!):

Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Paranormal Underground Radio: Melanie Barnum - Psychic, Intuitive, Medium and Author
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with Melanie Barnum, author of Llewellyn's Little Book of Psychic Development. Melanie has been practicing professionally for more than 15 years. She was a VIP Reader at Psych Out, a gathering of the nation’s foremost psychics, organized by Court TV. She is also an Angelspeake spiritual coaching Facilitator; a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), which is committed to advancing the field of hypnotism; and a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), which is an association for holistic practitioners that provides a forum where members may exchange ideas, information, techniques, and methodologies.
Melanie is also the author of Psychic Vision: Developing Your Clairvoyant and Remote Viewing Skills; Psychic Abilities for Beginners: Awaken Your Intuitive Senses; and The Book of Psychic Symbols: Interpreting Intuitive Messages. For more information about Melanie, visit
Air Date: July 13, 2017
Topic: Psychic Phenomena, Psychic Development, Paranormal Research, Psychic Abilities
Guest: Melanie Barnum
Host: Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Producers: Cheryl Knight-Wilson and Chad Wilson
Correspondent Segment: Krystle Vermes and Manny Veiga (Topics: Ghost photo & Russia's Putin talks about Men In Black)
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Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Paranormal Underground Radio: Louisa Oakley Green - The Psychic Bystander (Part 2)
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we welcome back Louisa Oakley Green for part 2 of our interview. Louisa is the author of Loitering at the Gate to Eternity: Memoirs of a Psychic Bystander and Sightseeing in the Undiscovered Country: Tales Retold by a Psychic Bystander.
Louisa didn’t believe in psychic phenomena when she met her husband, Stephen. But more than 20 years later, her views have changed. Her two books in the Psychic Bystander series reflect her journey from skeptic to believer through hundreds of paranormal stories involving her family and everyday people across the United States and around the world. Louisa has worked as a newspaper reporter, humor columnist, health magazine editor, public relations manager, advertising copywriter, medical writer, and executive creative director of a digital advertising agency. These days, she earns her living as a freelance writer.
Louisa graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Journalism, and she has also studied biology, biochemistry, and anatomy in support of her medical writing. She also spent two years learning how to draw up and interpret traditional astrology charts through the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London. Her work and interests maintain a curiosity-inspired balance between science and mysticism.
Air Date: June 15, 2017
Topic: Psychic Phenomena, Consciousness Studies, Paranormal Research, Psychic Abilities
Guest: Louisa Oakley Green
Correspondent Segment: Maria Anna van Driel
Host: Cheryl Knight-Wilson
Producers: Cheryl Knight-Wilson and Chad Wilson
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