Paranormal Underground Radio
Dive deep into the mysteries of the unknown with Paranormal Underground Radio, your gateway to the unexplained. Join us as we explore a fascinating array of paranormal, metaphysical, and spiritual topics alongside our sister podcasts, Mindful Mystics and Intention Is Everything. From theories on afterlife communications and encounters with cryptids to UFO sightings and psychic phenomena, we delve into the intriguing and the mysterious. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, our discussions will enlighten and inspire your curiosity about the otherworldly. Tune in and journey with us through the extraordinary realms that lie beyond our everyday reality.
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Paranormal Underground Radio: Rob St.Helen - Paranormal Investigator
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
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In this episode of
Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with Rob St.Helen. Rob has investigated the paranormal for many years. He previously worked at the haunted Heathman Hotel. He currently works at the Old Wheeler Hotel, also a reportedly active haunted location. Rob talks about how positive spirits exist who want to help the living. He also discusses a life-and-death experience he had while at the hotel.
Air Date: December 18, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Experience, Paranormal Investigation
Guest: Rob St.Helen
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Rick Hale
Producer: Cheryl Knight
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
Thursday Dec 11, 2014
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magazine!In this episode of
Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with Rachel Hoffman and Tina Storer of
Boston-area Paranormal Xpeditions. The team is on a quest to document the
possibilities of life after death. Paranormal Xpeditions airs some of their
investigations live on Rachel Hoffman, Team
Leader and Forensic Specialist, has been touched by the afterlife since birth.
She seeks to explore and understand what happend when we move on.
Tina Storer is an expert photographer with a keen eye. She has won the title
"brave heart" from her teammates, since she faces her fears during
each investigation.
Air Date: December 11, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Theory, True Crime and Paranormal Investigation
Guests: Rachel Hoffman and Tina Storer
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Rick Hale
Producer: Cheryl Knight
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
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magazine or post in our forum!
In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we welcome back Willie Windwalker Gibson,
shaman, supernatural consultant, member of The Paranormal Clergy, and founder
of Soul Warriors Supernatural. His team is based in Louisville, Kentucky, and his two books, The Shaman
Windwalker and Soul Warriors, can be found on
Willie does animal totem readings, cleansings, blessings, and weddings. He is
Cherokee and Irish and lives in Louisville with his wife of 26 years. He is
also a UFO contactee. He has had his own public access show in Louisville for
12 years.
Air Date: December 4, 2014
Topic: Shamanism, Paranormal Theory, Paranormal Investigation, UFO, Alien Abduction
Guest: Willie Windwalker Gibson
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Chuck Gotski
Producer: Cheryl Knight
Thursday Nov 20, 2014
Thursday Nov 20, 2014
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio,
we talk with Ian White, author, journalist, and
screenwriter. Based in the UK, Ian occasionally performs
stand-up comedy. Before writing for Paranormal Underground magazine, his
biggest claim to fame was being killed by a dragon in a thankfully
long-forgotten TV show called Dark Knight.
Ian has been interested in the paranormal his
entire life. One of his earliest memories is waking up to find a tall shadow
wearing a top hat watching him through his bedroom window when his bedroom
window was two stories off the ground. And, he has had several near-misses with
evil entities, although now that he’s happily married he can put most of those
bad dating experiences behind him. His book, Witchcraft & Black Magic in
British Cult Cinema, is available now.
Air Date: November 20, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Experience, Paranormal Investigation, Witchcraft, Black Magic, British Cult Cinema
Guest: Ian White
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Rick Hale
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio,
we talk with George Searles, Mike Curtis,
Anthony Ramano Jr., and Steve Barry of the Generic Black Shirt Gropu and the Web TV show Paranormal Afterparty.
group of investigators that uncover the serious, and sometimes lighter sides of
the paranormal. The evidence is real, and the rest is real fun!"
ONE is a 'professional' in this field. We hope that people work together to
find and share answers to the afterlife. We will always try our best to find
and document credible evidence to share with other like-minded groups and
individuals; however, this project will also bring forward some of the lighter
sides of the endless hours we submit for a few moments of evidence captured.
The participants are real, the locations are real, our evidence is real, the
rest is just real fun!"Air Date: November 13, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Experience, Paranormal Investigation, Paranormal TV
Guests: George Searles, Mike Curtis, Anthony Ramano Jr., and Steve Barry
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Rick Hale
Thursday Nov 06, 2014
Thursday Nov 06, 2014
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio,
we talk with
Connie Willis, who has been in the
radio/television field for 25 years. You have heard from her recently on
America’s top talk show as she hosted COAST TO COAST AM. She has a BA in telecommunications with a focus on broadcast journalism from the University of
Kentucky and is a Certified Advance Controlled Remote Viewer taught under the
direction of Lyn Buchanan, one of the Military’s top Psychic Spies from the top
secret program called Project Stargate. This means Connie can look into the
past, preset, and future of any event in time and see what is happening. She is
a Civilian Psychic Spy.
Connie is in development of three documentaries. One will change the world
views of UFOs, and another astonishing film will change the way humans will see
the world dealing with extra-terrestrials. Another deals with Bigfoot. Connie
is also in development with several TV shows that deal with the paranormal.
Connie is currently studying radionics and learning how fascinating they are.
She has been working closely with Dr Mulder and his machines ( Connie is a serious student of High Strangeness due
to having her own experiences since the early age of 3. They left her with
strong desires to find the truth of those phenomena. As a woman, her
perspective is as much emotional as it is factual, which goes hand in hand.
Connie digs deep into mysteries of the inexplicable effects and synchronicity of events
related to UFO and extraterrestrial encounters and anything outside the
range of normal human knowledge or scientific explanation, including time
travel, Bigfoot, PK, telepathy, Mayan culture, crop circles, after life,
ghosts, etc. Due to her passion to know the truth, she researches of all types
of the paranormal and knows the players so she can connect the dots and find
the answers!
has interviewed many people in her life and is best known for going into the
field of research to experience it for herself in order to put all the pieces
of the puzzles together. She has written two eBook’s called WIN ANY
LOTTERY, which provides a technique to win the lottery using a method the
military used to locate weapons, soldiers and hostages. She is a guest blogger
for Huffington Post's “Weird News” and was also a blogger and curator of Paranormal
World. She is a content coordinator for Paranormal TV Channel,
Paranormal TV, and for Paranormal TV Hulu, which provides free paranormal
documentaries for Paranormal Media.
Air Date: November 6, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Experience, Paranormal Investigation, UFOs, Psychic Phenomena, Remote Viewing, High Strangeness
Guest: Connie Willis
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Rick Hale
Thursday Oct 30, 2014
Thursday Oct 30, 2014
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, Paranormal Underground's Karen, Rick, and
Chuck reveal their most shocking paranormal investigation moments.
Karen Frazier is the cohost of Paranormal Underground Radio, feature writer for
Paranormal Underground magazine, and investigator with South Sound Paranormal
Rick Hale is the cohost of Paranormal Underground Radio, feature writer for
Paranormal Underground magazine, and investigator with The Committe For Psychical
Chuck Gotski is the host of In The Dark Radio, feature writer for Paranormal
Underground magazine, and investigator with In The Dark Investigations..
Air Date: October 30, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Experience, Paranormal Investigation
Hosts: Karen Frazier, Rick Hale, and Chuck Gotski
Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Paranormal Underground Radio: Chris Melancon - Paranormal Society of New Orleans
Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Thursday Oct 23, 2014
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio,
we talk with Chris Melancon,
founder of the Paranormal Society of New Orleans (PSNO). Chris is dedicated to
helping others feel comfortable in the paranormal world by investigating and
educating people about paranormal activity. Chris is knowledgeable about all
types of activity and committed to advancing the field of paranormal research
and investigation. He leads the team while promoting a feeling of family and
friendship among both the team and the people they set out to help.
Air Date: October 23, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Experience, Paranormal Investigation
Guest: Chris Melancon
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Rick Hale
Thursday Oct 16, 2014
Paranormal Underground Radio: Art Mills - Author of The Empty Lot Next Door
Thursday Oct 16, 2014
Thursday Oct 16, 2014
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio,
we talk with Arthur Mills, author of The
Empty Lot Next Door. Art’s third grade teacher read Roald Dahl’s Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory to the class and then asked the students to write
a one-page sequel to the book. Art couldn't stop writing, and it was then
that he knew he would be a writer.
Art is a full-time husband, father, and Warrant Officer in the U.S. Army. If
that isn’t busy enough, he’s also a full-time author. He is the creator of Branching Plot
Books, a book series devoted to the art of double meanings and reader
interaction. Branching Plot Books include the award-winning part-memoir
and part-fiction novel The Empty Lot Next Door and the teen/young adult
interactive fiction novel The Crawl Space, as well as the modern day fable The Haves and
Have Nots. Arthur and his wife, Yonsun, have two children, Arthur and
Air Date: October 16, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Experience, Paranormal Investigation
Guest: Art Mills
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Chuck Gotski
Friday Sep 26, 2014
Friday Sep 26, 2014
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Underground magazine!
In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio, we talk with Doug Engler,
paranormal investigator and co-host of Para-Scope Uncensored Radio. Doug is a
Massachusetts native and paranormal researcher with more than 17 years of
experience in the field. He has investigated with several organizations to
include the Central New York Ghost Hunters and CCPS. He is currently an active
member of both FEARS in Rhode Island and SENIPER in Massachusetts.
Doug has been an integral part of many paranormal-themed radio shows to
include Hell and Back Radio, Crossing the Void Radio, and Para-Nonsense. He is
currently the host of Anime-Zing Radio on Sunday nights and co-host of
Para-Scope Uncensored on Friday nights. Both are on the Hey Z Radio Network.
When he's not investigating things that go bump in the night, watching
anime, or haunting the radio airwaves, Doug can often be found attending
conventions with animation, pop-culture, comic book, or paranormal themes. He
is currently on the schedule to speak at a number of conferences starting in
2015. For more information, email
Air Date: September 25, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Theory, Paranormal Investigation
Guest: Doug Engler
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Rick Hale
Producer: Cheryl Knight
Thursday Sep 18, 2014
Thursday Sep 18, 2014
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In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio,
we talk with Matt Goldman of American Paranormal Research
Association (APRA) and Dr. Harry Kloor, writer, scientist,
educator, researcher, inventor, story editor and producer, National Technology
Policy Advisor, and a Chief Technology Officer.Having lived in a haunted home in early
childhood, Matt Goldman has always had an appreciation for the extraordinary. He has
spent his life investigating the spiritual and supernatural. Wandering into old
dwellings and haunted locations, walking miles drumming with Buddhist monks,
meditating, and recording dreams, he has sat in Native American sweat
ceremonies, fasted, and gone to great lengths to have first-hand experiences. Surprisingly, because of his experience, he has a healthy skeptical side. Not
everything you think is true, so repeat verification and analysis is imperative
to any conclusion in this area. His experience in this field, his skepticism,
and his desire to uncover the mysteries that surround us are indispensable
assets to APRA. He brings genuine curiosity, humor, and passion into a
living science. The pursuit and discovery of the dark and undiscovered.
Dr. Harry Kloor is a
writer, scientist, educator, researcher, inventor, story editor and producer,
National Technology Policy Advisor, and a Chief Technology Officer with over 25
years experience in science & technology consulting and commercial and
military product development. According to the council of graduate schools, the
national research council, and US department of education, Dr. Kloor is the
only person to earn two Ph.D.s simultaneously in any discipline. He holds
Ph.D.s in Physics and in Chemistry. In his position as chief science consultant
for Universal Consultants, a company he also co-founded, he has provided
classified work for various think tanks, and Energy companies, and has also
provided extensive guidance to clients in the development of new technological
products, patents, and policy positions. These clients include NASA, the
National Security Agency, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Rocket
Plane, the US Senate, American Medical Association, Jet Propulsion
Laboratories, Heavy Mental Interactive, Mousetrap Solutions, RealPlayer, and
Next Computers. Both his Ph.D.s were earned at Purdue University - West
Air Date: September 18, 2014
Topic: Paranormal Theory, Paranormal Investigation
Guests: Matt Goldman and Dr. Harry Kloor
Host: Rick Hale
Producer: Cheryl Knight
Thursday Sep 11, 2014
Thursday Sep 11, 2014
Visit us at to read Paranormal Underground
magazine or post in our forum! Or get Paranormal Underground magazine on
Apple's Newsstand today for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch or in Google Play's App
Store for Android devices, or via our Website!
In this episode of Paranormal Underground Radio,
we talk with Willie Windwalker Gibson, shaman, supernatural consultant, member
of The Paranormal Clergy, and founder of Soul Warriors Supernatural.
His team is based in Louisville, Kentucky, and his two books, The Shaman
Windwalker and Soul Warriors, can be found on
Willie does animal totem readings, cleansings, blessings, and weddings. He is
Cherokee and Irish and lives in Louisville with his wife of 26 years. He is
also a UFO contactee. He has had his own public access show in Louisville for 12 years.
Air Date: September 11, 2014
Topic: Shamanism, Paranormal Theory, Paranormal Investigation
Guest: Willie Windwalker Gibson
Hosts: Karen Frazier and Rick Hale
Producer: Cheryl Knight